How Gaddy works

Sign up for free

Then register your Gaddy! Also add your contact info (phone numbers, email and physical addresses).

Add contacts

Find and add friends or businesses, then set which info they can access.

We'll keep you updated

When you or your contacts update contact info, we'll send notifications, so you're always updated.

Why Gaddy ?


Maintain your info in one place, then save time and hassle when moving house, changing jobs, or just a change in circumstance.


You retain complete control over who you share your info with. We don't share your info.

Business ready

Register your organisation and we'll provide an API to allow integration in to existing systems, easing the maintenance of accurate client contact details.

Register your free Gaddy account now


Download the Gaddy app

Manage your info on the go, anytime, anywhere, with our app. You can also receive notifications wherever you may be.